We are a small Maine Coon cattery located in Hamar, Norway.
We got out first Maine Coon back in 2010 and fell completely in love with this majestic and wild-looking breed. After getting your first Maine Coon you seldom go back to other cats, instead, you usually want more than one.
Our family consists of one adult, two children, and our beloved cats. Because every cat deserves to get our full attention and proper care, it is important to us that the cats are part of our family and daily life, and we, therefore, don’t want to take on too many. This also means our Toms and Queens live inside with our family, and not in separate quarters.
We are working towards healthy and confident cats. Socialization of the kittens starts early, and every member of our household takes part in this. Our children love this period and use a fair amount of time playing and cuddling the kittens, so all of our kittens are therefore used to children, and the fact that thing happens around them.